Nih gan, Bagi yang kemarin Request Game Dragon Ball Z, Maaf baru bisa share sekarang. Game ini berGenre : Adventure atau Petualangan, dengan character yang sesuai dengan film aslinya yaitu Dragon Ball Z KAI. Langsung aja di coba sama-sama !
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is a 3D adventure game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Atari, based on the anime Dragon Ball Z. It is the first and only Dragon Ball Z game to be released across all sixth generation consoles, the first Dragon Ball Z console game to be developed by a non-Japanese developer (American in this case), and the first Dragon Ball Z game to be released on a non-Japanese console, the Xbox. It also ended up being the only Dragon Ball Z to be released on the Xbox, while the Japanese machines (mainly PlayStation 2) continued to get a steady stream of Dragon Ball related games, all of which are still made by Japanese developers. The game focuses on the Cell Games and The Androids.
Dragon Ball Z: Sagas is a 3D adventure game developed by Avalanche Studios and published by Atari, based on the anime Dragon Ball Z. It is the first and only Dragon Ball Z game to be released across all sixth generation consoles, the first Dragon Ball Z console game to be developed by a non-Japanese developer (American in this case), and the first Dragon Ball Z game to be released on a non-Japanese console, the Xbox. It also ended up being the only Dragon Ball Z to be released on the Xbox, while the Japanese machines (mainly PlayStation 2) continued to get a steady stream of Dragon Ball related games, all of which are still made by Japanese developers. The game focuses on the Cell Games and The Androids.
- Goku (The Arrival, Saiyans Duel, Ascended, RIT Armor, Cell Games)
- Vegeta (Saiyan Elite, RIT Armor, RIT Armor Variant)
- Gohan (Kid, Kid RIT Armor, Teen RIT Armor, Teen Namekian Uniform,
- Teen Cell Games, Adult, Adult with One Arm)
- Piccolo (Normal, With Cape)
- Future Trunks (No Jacket, Dark Jacket, Light Jacket, RIT Armor, RIT Armor Variant, Teen), ect
Minimum System Requirements
- OS: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7
- Processor: Pentium 3 @ 800 MHz
- Memory: 128 Mb
- Hard Drive: 2.1 Gb free
- Video Card: GeForce 3 Ti / ATI Radeon 8500
- Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
- DirectX: 9.0

Please Read : ANNOUNCEMENT: About Dead Links !!!
Rating: 4.5
Reviewer: Purnama Yasa
ItemReviewed: Download Dragon Ball Z : Sagas | Mediafire
prat 1 kq fil not fon gan perbarui dong
BalasHapusWah link mediafirenya dah mati gan
BalasHapusTolong di reupload
update please..
BalasHapusupdate link please